The Acts of the Holy Spirit
The Book of Acts in the New Testament is an account of the Holy Spirit of God working in and through the Apostles’ of Jesus Christ.
Dr. Luke wrote the Book of Luke (St. Luke) and then he continued with the book of Acts.
(NASB) Acts 1:1-3 “THE FIRST account I composed, Theophilus, about all that Jesus began to do and teach,
2 until the day when He was taken up to heaven, after He had by the Holy Spirit given orders to the apostles whom He had chosen.
3 To these He also presented Himself alive after His suffering, by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days and speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God.”
What is one of the things you and I can look for as we read the book of Acts of the Holy Spirit in and through the lives of the Apostles? Look for the actions of God the Holy Spirit and note or underline the Holy Spirit.
How do you approach the word of God, the Holy Bible?
1- with a sense of duty – that can become rote and drudgery!
2- with a sense that God’s words are all truth and believable for He has proven them over and over!
3- with a sense of anticipation and eagerness to learn what the living God of the Bible wants you to know – to mature and grow and then to do what He says!
4- with a sense of awe and wonder – that God loves you (in spite of your faults, failures and feeble-minded ideas)!
5- with a sense that He continues to teach you about His love for you through what His Son did on the cross and through His resurrection ~ for you!
6- with a sense of understanding that God the Holy Spirit has been given to live within all followers of Christ – no matter physical age or present circumstances!
Jesus gave the apostles orders (instructions) with the expectation of being obeyed. (Acts 1:2)
Jesus gave many convincing proofs of His actual, physical resurrection to His disciples.
He did this over a period of 40 days.
He spoke of the kingdom of God during those forty days.
Tomorrow this devotional will continue with what Jesus Christ said, through the Holy Spirit, to the eleven men before He ascended into heaven.
The Acts of the Holy Spirit of God in the lives of the Apostles has been recorded by Dr. Luke. We have a first hand account of those days! Join me with a sense of delight, expectation, and yes, even excitement as we read about this power of God!