“Witnesses of These Things”
Before Jesus died He told His twelve disciples…and told them…and told them…however they did not understand what He told them. Then after His resurrection He explained, yet again:
(NASB) Luke 24:46-47 “…‘Thus, it is written, that the Christ would suffer and rise again from the dead the third day,
47 and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
48 ‘You are witnesses of these things.”
What are the followers of Christ to be doing? The resurrected Christ Jesus told His followers to be His witnesses then and He does so today.
Witnessing is to tell others the Good News of Jesus Christ. Of what are we to witness?
1- He suffered
2- He died
3- He was resurrected the third day
Why did Jesus go through all this agony, shame, suffering and death?
1- So you and I would repent
2- So we would ask God’s forgiveness through the name of His Son, Jesus
3- So you and I would tell others of what Jesus has done for us and for them
Where did this begin?
1- With Jesus – He was Jewish
2- With the followers of Christ after His resurrection
3- With the Jewish men and women who knew Christ Jesus personally
4- With the Good News – Jesus came for the chosen people of God
(The Jewish nation – perhaps that is you) and the Gentiles (that’s me – is that you also?).
God in His mercy, grace and love had eye-witnesses to Jesus’ suffering, death, burial and resurrection!
When you read the New Testament – you are reading first-hand accounts of Jesus Himself. These writers were there. Most of them touched Him, ate with Him, they followed Him throughout Galilee and Judea. And they had contact with Him after His resurrection.
What a privilege if you own a Bible in the language you know. Are you reading it, “listening” to the living God speak to you from its pages every day? Are you talking with Him, the God of the Holy Bible each day? (That’s prayer.)
Are you “witnessing of these things” to others and what He reveals about Himself through His written word?