A darkness had fallen over the land about noon. When Jesus died it still was dark at 3 pm.
  Jesus died after saying with a loud voice, ‘Father, INTO YOUR HANDS COMMIT MY SPIRIT.’  (Luke 23:46)
When Jesus died – an earthquake shook all who were there – men, women, Romans, Jews. 

(NASB) Luke 23:48-49 “And all the crowds who came together for this spectacle, when they observed what had happened, began to return, beating their breasts.
49 And all His acquaintances and the women who accompanied Him from Galilee were standing at a distance seeing these things.” 

  Scripture in the book of John 19:25 names Mary (the mother of Jesus), His mother’s sister (the mother of James and John, the disciples), the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene (she had been delivered from seven demons – Luke 8:2). 

  What is it like being an eye-witness to a catastrophic event?  The horror, the helplessness to stop it, the hurting – unimaginable.
  Watching…watching…waiting and watching some more – knowing that death was imminent for Jesus.
  For some on that long ago day – it was a time of seeming victory.  For some of the Jewish religious leaders had plotted Jesus’ death for a couple of years.         (Matthew 12:14)
  For the Roman soldiers – crucifixion and death was a part of their duties.
  For others standing there?  Heartache, horror, helplessness and the hurting – the heart-wrenching hurt.  Difficult to put thought and emotions into words. 

  All standing there that day were eye-witnesses to the death of Jesus.
  Jesus did not pass out from the pain and suffering – He died.
  Even the Jewish religious leaders recognized that He died – no doubts were left in anyone’s mind who was present at the death of Jesus                                      (Matthew 27:62-66). 

  There was proof positive that Jesus died before He was taken down from the cross.
The Jewish leaders asked Pilate to hurry the process of dying by breaking the legs of those being executed.  (John 19:31)
  The soldiers broke the legs of the men on either side of Jesus, but when they came to Jesus, they clearly saw that He had already died.  These professional soldiers had done this before; they recognized the signs of death.  They also recognized that the two others being crucified had not yet died, so they broke their legs to hurry their deaths.
  Incredibly, prophetic Scripture was again fulfilled.  No bones of Messiah were broken. (Psalm 34:20) 

  Eye-witnesses confirmed the death of Jesus – His enemies, His family and friends, professional Roman soldiers. 

  If someone tells you that Jesus didn’t really die on the cross that day – know that God’s words are true and Jesus did die – that day – on that cross.