“This is the King of the Jews”
Jesus had a sign above His head as He hung on the cross. What did it say?
(NASB) Luke 23:38 “Now there was also an inscription above Him, ‘THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.’”
That inscription was the charge against Jesus that condemned Him to that cross. (Matthew 27:37; Mark 15:26)
Pilate had that sign written. All who were there in that area of execution saw the sign and could read it…for it was written in three different languages: Hebrew (Aramaic), Latin and Greek. (John 19:20)
The chief priests went to Pilate and protested the wording of that sign. They wanted the sign to say, “This man claimed to be King of the Jews.” And Pilate? What did Pilate reply? “What I have written, I have written.” He did not change that sign.
(John 19:21-22)
Who do you say Jesus is?
Have you put your faith in:
Jesus – the Son of God.
Jesus – the Giver of life.
Jesus – the One Who saves us from our sins.
Jesus – the coming King.
Jesus is the King of the Jews.
Is He your King?
People, when presented to the Queen of England, are to genuflect before her. To show her great respect, honor, to follow the protocol, to approach her after being given permission.
And Jesus? The coming King, the Son of the living God? How do you approach Him as you pray? Do you show great and reverent respect and give Him honor? Have you ever kneeled before Him?
When you pray, do you pray in His authoritative name?
Is your faith in Him Who died for your sins?
What a privilege to be able to approach this great and awesome God of the Holy Bible.
He loves you…and He invites you to “Come” to Him.