Two + Jesus
Jesus was not the only one to be crucified that day. Two others, both convicted criminals, were “also led away to be put to death with Him.” (NASB Luke 23:32)
Prophecy again ~ fulfilled! (NASB Isaiah 53:12 “…And was numbered with the transgressors…”) Jesus was crucified between two criminals.
What are some among many things we can learn from this verse?
1- There were two convicted criminals deserving death for their actions – they would die that day – by crucifixion.
2- There was one Son of Man not deserving death for His actions – He would die that day – by crucifixion.
3- Jesus would die as a sacrifice for each person (that includes you and me). He died instead of us on that cross.
4- Jesus took your sins and mine, all of our sins on Himself – as if they were sins which He committed, and in doing so, He took the punishment that was required.
5- Because of Jesus dying on that cross, anyone receiving Christ as Savior is healed from their sins. God accepted Jesus’ sacrifice for He was resurrected on the third day.
(NASB) 1 Peter 2:24 “and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed.”
Two criminals + Jesus…
Those two criminals deserved execution…and so did Jesus…He had my sins and yours as if they were His!
When anyone rejects, ignores or scorns Jesus…they are rejecting God the Son’s sacrifice in their behalf. They are rejecting God’s love.