It was in the very early hours of the morning, the sun had some hours before it would rise on a new day, a day of coming death for Jesus.
  Jesus fervently and in agony had prayed, fully yielding to God His Father “My Father, if this cannot pass away unless I drink it, Your will be done.”  (NASB Matthew 26:42)
  What have you yielded to God’s will in the place that is your Gethsemane?

  The battle Jesus fought and won was on His knees, on His face before God His Father in the dark hours on the Mount of Olives.
  What battle(s) are you fighting?  Have you yielded to God through conscious, on-purpose prayer?
  Jesus was then ready to face the excruciating hours ahead – because of His time in Gethsemane.

(NASB) Luke 22:45-46 “When He rose from prayer, He came to the disciples and found them sleeping from sorrow,
46 and said to them, ‘Why are you sleeping?  Get up and pray that you may not enter into temptation.’”

  Each one of those eleven men did enter into temptation and each of those men did stumble badly…had they prayed?  Scripture does not say.
  God knew how they would react – when Jesus was arrested many of them ran away, others followed at a distance as the soldiers led Jesus away.  After Jesus died, they hid in a house, afraid that they too would be arrested and killed for having followed Jesus.
(John 20:19)
  Isn’t it interesting…as much as they loved Jesus, their fear kept them from stepping up to care for His crucified body.  They did not even help in the preparation and burial of Jesus’ body…and even in this, Scripture was fulfilled! 
  God’s foreknowledge is incredible and only God could have fore-seen any of this!

  The living God of the Holy Bible knows how we will react in frightening circumstances. 
  God knows you and I need faith in His Son.  Jesus’ death on the cross was for you and me…He took our place for our sins!  We need Jesus as our Savior, Redeemer!
  God has foreknowledge and we too, need to pray to not enter into temptation.  We need to yield to our Lord and our God, trusting Him no matter our situation this day. 

  To paraphrase a hymn, Trust Him when you are in dire straits, when you have many needs.  Trust Him when your friends are not around you and trust Him when your strength is weak.
  Trust Him – for He is trustworthy for this very day in your life.
  Trust Him, For God loves you!