Listen to what Jesus really said…
The twelve disciples were alone with Jesus at the Passover meal. Did they hear all the words of Jesus or did they let them “fall to the ground”?
Think about this, if someone says something we don’t understand, do we ignore the remark and latch onto what we do understand? When Jesus spoke to His disciples, He spoke on many levels – you and I need to listen carefully.
When there is something you and I don’t understand about His words and even our circumstances, what do we need to do? Well for starters, ask the living God to explain.
He has done this in the past for me. Many times, He answers through the Holy Bible (after all those are His words). At times He answers through a Scripturally sound sermon. Sometimes it is through a song which has been written and sung for God’s glory. Other times, a loved one or a godly friend has been used by God to answer my questions.
God’s word verifies God’s word! He cannot lie, because He is God. He is the same God in the Old Testament as in the New Testament. His words are consistent with His character, with Who He is!
When you and I read God’s word – don’t we need to listen to what He is saying and not fall into the subtle trap of unbelief? People many times write books or give sermons that leave out the living God and tell what they want God to say.
Be aware and be alert to what you hear, and ask yourself, does this line up with what God is really saying?
The apostles ignored what they did not understand…Listen to what Jesus is really saying on that long ago night…
(NASB) Luke 22:14-15 “When the hour had come, He (Jesus) reclined at the table, and the apostles with Him.
15 And He said to them, ‘I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer”
Listen to what Jesus really said ~ He earnestly desired to eat this Passover with these twelve men…before He suffered! (I don’t think those men understood that He had to suffer, although He had told them this multiple times throughout His ministry.)
Jesus knew what was coming – that very night.
Jesus knew that He would suffer because of my sins and yours!
He knew that He would suffer because sin could only be dealt with through a holy, blameless, perfect sacrifice – there was no One else, only Messiah Jesus could do this.
He knew that He would suffer because only in this way could Satan be defeated.
He knew that He would suffer because the way to resurrection was through death.
The next time you hear something from God’s word, and don’t understand ~ ask Him for understanding. Then listen to what God is really saying to you…it may not be something you want to hear, but listen carefully anyway.
And remember: always compare God’s words with God’s words!