The Cornerstone ~ Jesus Christ
Jesus told a parable about vine-growers who had killed the heir of the vineyard. Then He said that the owner would come and destroy those vine-growers and give the vineyard to others. The people who heard Jesus say this understood that He was talking about them. That God would give what they considered theirs and give it to others. They said, “May it never be!” (Luke 20:16)
Then Jesus quoted the prophecy:
(NASB) Psalm 118:22 “The stone which the builders rejected
‘Has become the chief corner stone.”
(Luke 20:17)
Jesus went on to say, “Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces; but on whomever it falls, it will scatter him like dust.” (NASB Luke 20:18)
The dictionary meaning of cornerstone: “A stone at the corner of a building uniting two intersecting walls.” “The indispensable and fundamental basis of something.”
The cornerstone is essential to any building…and so for belief in the living God, Jesus Christ is the essential cornerstone of faith. It is Jesus Christ Who unites believers with the God of the Bible. It is Christ Jesus Who has made a way for people like you and me to be united to the Almighty God.
Whenever anyone turns to the Lord Jesus and receives Him into their thinking and their lives as their Savior…He becomes the Chief Cornerstone on whom they are to build their lives.
Having Jesus as the foundation of our lives is imperative.
Anyone who rejects belief in Jesus will experience the wrath of God, for God will judge every person. God’s judgment will be on anyone without Christ as their Cornerstone.
If you have asked Jesus to save you from your sins, then He has already suffered the wrath of God in your place. He is the Chief Cornerstone…is He yours?
This coming Sunday is Easter. On that day all Christendom will celebrate the resurrection of the Crucified Christ Jesus. The Crucified Christ is the Chief Cornerstone on whom we are to build our lives. He is the foundation for faith in the living God.
Good News! Hallelujah!
And all God’s people said, “Amen.”