Prayer of the Week
The prayer of the week is based on Psalm 103:1-5
You are to be blessed O LORD with all my mind, my emotions, my will. All, all that is within me, is to bless Your Holy name.
O bless the LORD, O my soul. Your benefits are not to be forgotten: You are the One who has provided Your Son to pardon all my sins. You are the One Who heals all my diseases and Who redeems my life from the pit.
You are the One Who crowns anyone who turns to You by faith in Your Son. Crowned with lovingkindness and compassion. Bless the LORD O my soul.
You are the One who satisfies my years with good things, so that my youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
To You belong blessing and honor and glory and praise forever and ever and ever.
In the name of Jesus, Your Son…Amen.