Needy people come near to Jesus and listen to Him. 
  When you are most needy, is that when you “come near” to Jesus and listen to Him?
  Does your need drive you to “come near” to Jesus and to listen?

   Many critical and legalistic “religious” people grumble and complain when people show up in “their” church.  People who may not dress like they do, or have tattoos or body piercing jewelry on display.

(NASB) Luke 15:1 “NOW ALL the tax collectors and sinners were coming near Him to listen to Him.
2 Both the Pharisees and the scribes began to grumble, saying, ‘This man receives sinners and eats with them.’”

   What are some of the lessons which can be learned from these two verses?
1- Jesus is inclusive – not exclusive
2- Jesus draws people to Himself
3- When Jesus talks ~ needy people listen
4- Jesus causes “religious” people discomfort because He reaches out to those they disdain
5- Jesus receives people who are without God in their lives
6- Jesus eats meals with people who are sinners (in need of Him as their Savior)

   What are some of the differences between the tax collector’s/sinners and the Pharisees/scribes?
– The tax collector’s/sinners recognized their need and turned to Jesus, listening to Him
– The Pharisee’s/scribes did not recognize their need of Jesus
– The Pharisee’s/scribes did not come near to Him to listen – but to grumble and complain
– The Pharisee’s/scribes had come to Jesus to criticize Him and those who turned to Him

 – Needy People: are open and want to be with Jesus – do others want to be where you are?  – Are you, as a follower of Christ, reaching out to those who are needy?
– Needy people are sometimes difficult people to have around…don’t let that be the determining factor in loving them.
– Critical people see the negatives in life…therefore: they are difficult to be with on a regular basis.  The bleak sides, the dark sides of life, are their stomping grounds and they do stomp and storm their way through life…they are needy and do not recognize this fact.

 Attitude, attitude, attitude…what attitude do others recognize in you?
When you have a Quiet Time with the Lord, do you  

Come near to listen or to grumble?