What Jesus Said…
The Lord Jesus never said, ‘Walk with Me.’ He always said, “Follow Me.”
What Jesus said…to those whom He called to be His disciples:
(NASB) Matthew 4:19 “…‘Follow Me…”
Are you following Him?
What was the promise made to them?
(NASB) Matthew 4:19 “… and I will make you fishers of men.”
Are you following Him in obedience – which is living by faith in Him with a teachable attitude?
How did those men respond?
(NASB) Matthew 4:20 “Immediately they left their nets and followed Him.”
How have you responded in the past? How will you respond to Him this moment?
What Jesus said…(and did on the cross)
(NASB) John 10:11 “I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.”
He did this for you!
What Jesus said…(and what He is doing today)
(NASB) John 10:14 “I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me.”
You are unique and beloved by the living Lord Jesus…are you His, if so, He knows you!
Does He know you? Are you one of His sheep? If not, He wants to be your Shepherd!
When you pray to the living God of the Bible, do you ask Him to ‘walk with you’? Rather, when you daily pray, shouldn’t your prayer be: ‘Lord Jesus, lead the way, I choose to follow You today!’
I am to follow Jesus, why?…He is my Savior, Shepherd, sacrificial Lamb of God…is He yours?
Savior: Jesus alone saves you from your sins ~
Shepherd: Jesus who will lead you if you are following Him ~
Lamb of God: Jesus’ blood sacrifice was accepted by God the Father at the expense of God the Son and verified through His resurrection and revealed by God the Holy Spirit.
What Jesus said…
(NASB) John 14:6 “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”
What Jesus said…“Follow Me!”