Jesus was at a dinner at a Pharisee’s home…one of the guests made a comment after Jesus had said that the host should invite people he would not associate with socially to a reception…people who could not repay him.

And the comment?
(NASB) Luke 14:15 “‘Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God!’”

How did Jesus respond?  He responded with a parable:
(NASB) Luke 14:16-24 – paraphrased:
A man gave a big dinner party and sent out invitations…one said “I have bought a piece of land” and have to go look at it…consider me excused.  Another said, “I have bought five yoke of oxen” and I need to see how they work together…consider me excused.  Another said ‘I just got married!’  I cannot come.

The servant who had been sent out with the invitations came back to the master and told him the responses…excuses, excuses, excuses.
The master became angry and told his servant “Go out at once into the streets and lanes of the city and bring in here the poor and crippled and blind and lame.”
(NASB) Luke 14:21
The servant came to his master and said there is still room for more…the master said ‘Go out into the out-of-the way places and bring others to my house.  Those I first invited will not be welcomed to this dinner!’

How have you responded to the Lord’s invitation to you?  What “reason” do you excuse yourself from attending church services or from being involved in an excellent Bible study and from keeping a daily time of reading the Bible and praying?

Jesus does not pardon anyone who offers excuses to know Him and to receive Him into their lives.
He invites you, this moment, to know Him and His redemption He has paid for you on the cross of sacrifice.

Truth: “Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God!”
(Luke 14:15 NASB)

You have an open invitation ~ how do you respond to the living God of the Bible?  He accepts no “reasons” or any excuses when you refuse His invitation.

Truth: Only those who respond to Jesus’ invitation while living will be able to eat bread in the kingdom of God in eternity.

Please, do not make your excuses to such an invitation.