Jesus said:
(NASB) Luke 12:37-38 “Blessed are those slaves (servants) whom the master will find on the alert when he comes; truly I say to you, that he will gird himself to serve, and have them recline at the table, and will come up and wait on them.
38 ‘Whether he comes in the second watch (9 pm – midnight), or even in the third (midnight – 3 am), and finds them so, blessed are those slaves (servants).”

Did you notice!?  There is one, only one, condition to be blessed as a servant (a follower of Christ Jesus)!  Be on the alert for our Master’s return (no matter at what hour He comes).
Did you notice!?  He is the One Who promises to clothe Himself to serve His servants!
Did you notice!?  He will have His servants sit at a table and then He will wait on them!

So?  So what do the followers of Christ need to be doing until our Master Jesus comes again?  We need to be on the alert for His return.  We need to be on the ready by being faithful in doing what He calls each one of us to do.

All of us need to study His word, not just read this devotional.  We need to put His truths into action in our lives.  (Are your thoughts, your words, your actions being changed by what God says in His word, the Holy Bible?)

Followers of Christ, we need to be faithful to our God, to our family, to each person we meet.
Followers of Christ, we need to be doing whatever ministry He calls us to be doing: for you that may mean being a faithful homemaker, a faithful employee (wherever you work).

Our Master calls us to be faithful to follow Him and be alert for His return.
What should you and I be doing today in order to be alert for His return?  Be found faithful in doing what pleases the Lord God of the Bible – wherever we go today!

Be Alert for the Master’s Return