Many times in this day and age, there are some who downplay the Lord Jesus’ miracles.

The miracles are attributed to natural causes and/or man’s abilities to bring about the change.
Either the Lord Jesus had the ability to change people and/or nature’s activities or He didn’t.

How has the Lord Jesus worked in your life?  How has He changed you?  (Or do you think you are good enough to change yourself for all eternity?)  Do you recognize what He has done and is doing in you?  What do you desire to recognize about Christ Jesus today?  

(NASB) Psalm 77:14 “You are the God who works wonders;
You have made known Your strength among the peoples.”

He is working miracles in lives today.

If you are a follower of Christ…are you continuing to grow as a child of God or are you staying in the infant stages, the toddler stages the pre-school stages of development?  If you are not growing and becoming more in tune with God’s words and ways, then you are stunted in your growth.  And that is not a good thing.

What is Jesus doing in your life ~ today?
A prayer could be:
‘Open my eyes, Lord, I want to “see” You today.
Open my ears, Lord, I want to “hear” You today.
Open my understanding, Lord; I want to know You today.
Open my mind, Lord; I want Your way of thinking more and more today.
Open my will, Lord; I want to choose to activate my will to be in line with Your will today.’

So many times we become contented with ourselves when what we need is to be convicted of what should be changed by the Lord in our lives.  We need to be changed…not our spouse, not a neighbor, not a relative, but we ~ ourselves!

What needs to be changed in your life?  An attitude?  A thought process?  How you react negatively toward others?  Unkind words, whether thought or spoken?  What needs changing in your life?

As a follower of Christ, what do you need to ask Him to change in you?  What has the Lord pointed out to you?
‘Open my eyes, ears, understanding, mind and will Lord…
What miracle do You desire to work in me today?’