When you go to other countries and even regions within your own country, you may find different types and tastes of food.  Jesus told His disciples something we should listen to:
(NASB) Luke 10:8 “Whatever city you enter and they receive you, eat what is set before you.”

Have you ever prepared a meal and your guest(s) refused to eat one of the items offered to them with a verbal refusal (other than health reasons)?  I have.  What was the reason for their refusal?  Because they had never tasted the food and they weren’t going to begin now!  What an insult to the host/hostess!

If we are trying to tell others of God’s love through Christ Jesus, we do need to be sacrificial in our food preferences.  Insulting the people we are trying to reach is a quick way to have the door of opportunity slammed in our faces.

Jesus also gave other instructions:
(NASB) Luke 10:9 “and heal those in it who are sick…”

Medical personnel and people who have medical knowledge and skills are to use them for the people who are being reached out to with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Illnesses are not always easy to be around.  Odors and ugliness may be what is seen by the eye and noticed by your nose…people are hurting and in great need.  Perhaps you may need to sacrificially put a smile on your face and caring concern in your eyes and your voice as you tend to the ill.

When Jesus sent those seventy men out in pairs to places He would be going
(Luke 10:1)…His instructions were clear.  Eat what is set before you, heal the sick and give out the message:
(NASB) Luke 10:9 “…‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’”

All people need spiritual healing.
Think about this: before you can effectively give out the Good News of Christ…you too need to listen to God’s message of instruction.

Eat what is set before you!       Heal the sick!         Tell the Good News of Christ!

People have a spiritual need…and you know Who has the answer to fill that need:
the Lord Jesus Christ.  What do you now need to do?