(NASB) Luke 9:59 “And He (Jesus) said to him, ‘Follow Me.’  But he said, ‘Lord, permit me first to go and bury my father.’”

  Jesus called a person to “Follow Me.”  And the excuse?  ‘Wait, just a minute Jesus…let me wait until my father dies – then I will follow You.’ (Paraphrase, a very loose paraphrase)

What excuse do you give Jesus when He calls you to “Follow Me”?  This devotional will consider three, you may have others:

1- Family responsibilities – I am convinced that those responsibilities can be taken care of even as I choose to follow Jesus.  Does this mean that I can continue doing all the things I now do?  Probably not!  To follow Jesus will mean sacrificial living in some way – prioritizing responsibilities will allow unneeded activities to be put aside.

2- What will my family, friends and even church think of me if I really decide to answer Jesus’ call to “Follow Me”?
Again, my choice – to follow others claims on me or to follow Jesus.  Even receiving Jesus as my Savior is a witness to my family, friends and church…and they may not like my choice!  Denial of my need to be a committed follower of Christ may mean being ignored, ostracized and even ridiculed by people whom I love.

3- Bible knowledge – I don’t have much, or enough, Bible knowledge.  If you are a follower of Christ – you have the experience of Him as your Savior.  You have the experience of being freed from the chains of guilt and sin!  You have been freed!  Share that Good News with others!  (They too can experience the freedom, the burden lifted, as they receive Him as their Savior, perhaps through your redeemed life in Christ!)

Jesus quickly responded to that person’s excuse:
(NASB) Luke 9:60 “But He said to him, ‘Allow the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim everywhere the kingdom of God.’”

Jesus pointedly called this person to “go and proclaim everywhere the kingdom of God.”
Jesus pointedly calls each one of us to “go and proclaim everywhere the kingdom of God.”

What are you choosing, excuses or experiencing the power, joy, peace, etc., of following Jesus Christ?

Today Jesus is saying to you and me,

“Follow Me” and “go and proclaim everywhere the kingdom of God.”