What Jesus blesses, He uses to meet the hungering needs of people, like you and me.

(NASB) Luke 9:16 “Then He (Jesus) took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed them, and broke them, and kept giving them to the disciples to set before the people.”

Jesus used what was given to Him…five loaves and two fish.
What have you to give to Him?

Jesus looked up to heaven, where His Father was.
Where do you place your dependence for anything which is going on in your life?

Jesus blessed what was in His hands…the five loaves and two fish.
What do you have which needs to be blessed by the living God?

Jesus broke what was in His hands so many could be fed.
What of yours is the God of the Bible breaking in His hands so others may be fed?

Jesus kept giving out to His disciples…what He broke was multiplied.
What is being given you from Jesus’ hands, which He multiplies for His purposes in and through your life?

Jesus expected His disciples to give the food out to the crowd.
The broken and multiplied food He is giving you, what are you doing with it?

What Jesus blesses, He uses to meet the hungering needs of people, like you and me.

After your needs are met by Jesus, how is He meeting the needs of others through what He is giving you?

What is given to Jesus, He blesses, breaks, multiplies and He expects it to be given out to others.


What Jesus Blesses…

How is He blessing you?

How is He blessing others through you?


Jesus gives salvation to all who call upon Him; it is a continuous action of salvation.  Blessing upon blessing!  (See the prayer of the week.)