Jesus knows what He wants to accomplish as He teaches you and me.

  Jesus had sent His twelve men out on a mission trip and they were back, wanting to tell Him what had occurred.  He wanted them to have some R & R and had led them to Bethsaida…but the crowds followed.  So Jesus welcomed them, spoke to them of the kingdom of God and cured those who were ill. (Luke 9:1-12)

Late afternoon shadows gave the twelve disciples reason to go to Jesus and say, “Send the crowd away, that they may go into the surrounding villages and countryside and find lodging and get something to eat; for here we are in a desolate place.’” (NASB Luke 9:12)

What was Jesus’ surprising response:  “You give them something to eat!”
(NASB Luke 9:13)

What is impressive is about how Jesus took the lead in feeding this crowd of five thousand men (and this count could double if the women and children were included)?

1- Jesus told His disciples to feed this crowd!  Awwwk!  You’ve got to be kidding, right?
The disciples gave the stats on what was available…five loaves and two fish; that was it.
This was a desolate place and food would not be easily obtained, even if they could afford to feed this huge crowd.  (Luke 9:13)
*Notice: Jesus ignored His disciples sputtering argument!

2- Jesus instructed His twelve followers to have the crowd sit in groups of about 50.  (That could have been as many as 200 groups!)
*Jesus was teaching His men some simple organizational skills for crowd control of overwhelming numbers.
*Jesus said for the disciples to instruct the milling, moving crowd to be seated.
*Notice: Jesus told His disciples what He wanted them to do – He did not say “Don’t argue with Me!  Do what I say.”

If you are the person in charge, how do you use organizational skills to best advantage?  And do you do it with godly love and tact?
If you are the person being given instructions, how do you respond to instructions?  Do you perhaps react by arguing?

Following Jesus is to be taught by Him, to do as He has done and to be instructed through His actions and words.
*Give positive instructions.
*Ignore sputtering arguments.
*Be ready to receive another’s instructions.
*What do you learn from this real life situation?


Is Jesus in control…or are you?