The true story of a twelve year old girl’s return to life by the power of Jesus has many applications for us today…the following are a few:

Fact: The girl had died and the father was told not to “trouble the Teacher anymore.”  (Luke 8:49)  When a loved one (or even perhaps us) is in intensive care, or ER or under hospice care…what are some ways we can respond to such devastating circumstances?
Response: Did the father feel despair and distress?
Read the rest of the story for the hope we have in Christ and His power.

Fact: Jesus instructed the parents to not fear but believe and the girl would be made well. (Luke 8:50)  Jesus was sure of His power to act in that situation.
Response: Jesus told those parents and we can be included, to choose not to fear or be afraid – to believe in His power to work for our best interests…many times that is in the long term of eternity.

Fact: Jesus was in charge of a reality of life, a little girl had died.
(Luke 8:51)  Jesus was in charge at that time because He had the authority to heal and give life…He still does today.
Response: Faith…in Jesus to work in the reality of our lives.  (NASB) Hebrews 11:1 “NOW FAITH is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
Is that your response of faith?

Fact: Weeping, lamenting the loss of life in a loved one.  (Luke 8:52)  Sorrow rolls over us in waves, as we mourn the loss of a loved one.
Response: Jesus stated something that was met with laughter…the laughter of unbelief.  Were His words believed?  No, they were not.  They knew she had died.  And He said she was only sleeping?  C’mon! (Luke 8:53)
How would you have responded?

Fact: Jesus paid them ‘no never mind’…
Response: Jesus responded by taking the girl’s hand and simply saying with authority, “Child, arise!”  (Luke 8:54)
Has your faith in Jesus increased as you walk through your life, day by day?  Faith, like love, is a choice.  Faith is a conscious choice.
What is your choice today?

Fact: The girl immediately stood up because life had been returned to her by Jesus and His word of power.
Response: Then Jesus gave an order, to give her something to eat.  (Luke 8:55)
When you have something happen in your life, and you know that no one but Jesus could have done it…to whom do you give the credit?  And do you only spiritualize it?  OR do you put it into a practical application in your life?

Fact: The girl’s parents were amazed at her return to life by the words of Jesus.  And He told them not to tell anyone.  (Luke 8:56)  What happened in that room was to stay in that room!
Response: Did they keep it quiet?  We are not told…we are only told that Jesus did not want them to talk about it!  What do you do when you are told not to say something?  Do you find a ‘reason’ to be able to tell it anyway?


Facts and Responses to Jesus’ Words & Works

How are you choosing to respond to the facts

of Jesus words and works in your behalf?