(NASB) Luke 8:3b “…and many others who were contributing to their support out of their private means.”

Jesus and His twelve disciples were supported monetarily by many who followed them.
There were no tax write-offs. They gave out of their means and probably some gave sacrificially.
What charitable organizations do you support “out of your private means”?

Perhaps you don’t support a specific organization but give to the support of a missionary, or perhaps you give anonymous gifts to people in need.

What you give for God’s word and work to go forward is between you and Him. Giving out of love for the Lord Jesus is to give others that drink of cool, clear water, to feed that hungry stomach; to give that water of life to those in a spiritual desert and to feed the Bread of Life to spiritually hungry people.

There are many “good causes” but no one can give to all of them. Prayerfully choose where you give support out of your “private means.”
Have you thought through the criteria for where you give your monies?

Your criteria will probably differ from others…one criterion which all of us should consider: does where we put our contributions please God?