What Do People Say…?
What do people say about you when you leave the room? The comments may be positive…or negative. Your attitude will determine how people think of you.
If your attitude and demeanor is negative and filled with condemning words, your actions will also reflect that. Negative impressions will be left behind you as you move through your life, day by day. Grumpiness and a negative view of life do not make a person enjoyable to be around.
If your attitude and demeanor is positive, your smile, your encouraging words and helpful actions will leave a positive impression. People like being with that type of person. Don’t you?
John the Baptist had been imprisoned and his disciples wanted to help him in any way possible. When he asked two of them to go to Jesus and ask if He was the “Expected one, or do we look for another?” Jesus replied by actions…He cured “many people of diseases, afflictions and evil spirits…and He gave sight to the blind.”
(Luke 7:21)
Jesus told them to go report to John (paraphrased: Go and tell John what you have seen and heard and prophecy has been fulfilled.)
(Luke 7:22)
Jesus reassured John’s disciples that He was the Messiah and they had seen the evidence through Jesus’ actions and words.
What did Jesus say about John and his disciples when they were not present, when they had “left the room”?
Jesus spoke of John and his mission. (Tomorrow’s devotional will delve into that.)
John was a man of integrity. He had been faithful in doing what God had called him to do…from before he was born he was given the Holy Spirit of God! (Luke 1:15, 39-45)
Jesus spoke highly of John the Baptist…John had been faithful in proclaiming the presence of Messiah…“Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29)
John was a magnet, he drew people out into the Jordan River wilderness and gave the people encouragement to prepare themselves for the coming of God (Immanuel is one name for Jesus “God with us”.)
John was also forthright in his speech. He condemningly pointed his finger of accusation at King Herod and paid the price of imprisonment and ultimately paid with his head.
John was a man of God, a man of integrity.
Do people say the same for you when you leave the room?
Are you so in line with God and His word that people know you will speak God’s truth?
Are you a man or woman of integrity?
What do people say?