Where Was John the Baptist?
John was imprisoned! For what reason was he in prison? All because he had told the truth and had publicly reprimanded King Herod, the tetrarch of Israel. King Herod had married his brother’s wife and had done other wicked things which John exposed; Herod locked up John the Baptist in prison — for telling the truth! (Luke 3:19-20)
People without God in their lives do that! They work to shut down anyone, by whatever means necessary, to keep their detractors quiet so they won’t be exposed for scrutiny.
King Herod did not tolerate truth which exposed his actions to the world. Dictators do that – leaders who rule by fear, they are fearful and they intimidate those who would expose them. Insecurity also does that…using bullying tactics to keep the opposition quiet. (We are to pray for those in authority…God says so! 1 Timothy 2:1-4)
John still had loyal followers and looked to him for leadership. John had baptized Jesus. John saw Jesus praying at His baptism and saw the Holy Spirit descend upon Him in bodily form like a dove. John heard the voice which came from heaven saying, “You are My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased.” (Luke 3:21-22)
John was in prison and some of his loyal followers came to him and reported what they had seen and heard concerning Jesus’ works.
Tomorrow we will explore some of those works which they reported to John.
Today, are you in a prison because of another’s opposition to you? How can we respond to those who are angry with us?
First: Forgive them! (Matthew 6:12)
Second: Love them because Christ Jesus died for them and He loves them. (How the heart of God must yearn for people to turn to Him by believing in His Son’s sacrificial death and life-giving resurrection!) (John 11:25)
Third: Be an example of Christ’s love to them by your attitude, actions and words.
Fourth: Forgive as many times as needed. (Matthew 18:21-22)
Fifth: Commit them to the living God to work in their lives, with or without your input.
Sixth: Pray for them, depending on the God of the Holy Bible to work in their lives.
Seventh: Love them! (For Christ loves you! John 3:16-17)
Who do you know who is in prison and needs Jesus to release them into God’s eternal kingdom?