Jesus Meets Needs…His Way
Jesus met a widow’s need by raising her only son from the dead.
What was your need in the past? Perhaps your need was to have Jesus as your Savior…to be forgiven of your sins and the guilt of your sins.
How did Jesus meet your need? How you came to have a saving faith in Jesus’ work through His dying on the cross and His resurrection from the dead is probably how Jesus met that need in your life.
(If you still need Jesus to be your Savior…click on the “Resource” tab at the top of the devotional. Then go to “GPS – God’s Plan of Salvation”)
What need do you have today? Perhaps you need to forgive another. (You may have other needs which you need filled by Jesus.)
If your need is to forgive, remember that forgiveness is not based on how you feel, but it is an intentional choice, an act of your will, to forgive. Then after you have forgiven, not to nurse that sin which you perceive to be against you (that is “holding a grudge”).
Remembering, over and over, another’s sin against you will eat away at your emotions, your mind, and your will (your soul). Please do not let the cancer of unforgiveness destroy your relationships.
All of us need Jesus, all of us need for Jesus to meet our needs…and He will in His way and in His time when we give our needs to Him.
(NASB) Lamentations 3:59 “O LORD, You have seen my oppression;
Judge my case.”
Jesus is dependable and we can be assured that He will meet our need…our hope, our expectation is to be in Jesus.
A widow in the city of Nain had a need and Jesus met her need by a miracle of resurrecting her only son from the dead. Because He did:
(NASB) Luke 7:17 “The report concerning Him went about all over Judea and in all the surrounding district.”
And you can be assured, as you tell Him of your need…
He will meet your need, in His way and in His time…
(NASB) Lamentations 3:22-23 “The LORD’S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.”