Jesus’ Compassion Comforts
Two crowds
Two different purposes
One large crowd is accompanying Jesus and His disciples as He enters the city of Nain.
The other sizeable crowd is coming out of the city in a funeral proccession following a grieving mother (who is a widow).
(Luke 7:11-12)
The two crowds meet at the city gate.
The Lord Jesus saw the grieving of the dead man’s mother and He felt compassion for her. He then singled her out by speaking to her. He spoke to her out of His compassion and out of her need to be comforted.
Compassion: “The deep feeling of sharing the suffering of another in the inclination to give aid or support, or to show mercy.”
And Jesus was giving aid and support and showing mercy to this grieving mother.
(See tomorrow’s devotional)
(NASB) Lamentations 3:22-24 “The LORD’S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.”
So often, I do not “see” the compassions of Jesus in my daily walk through life. Yet, His word says that His compassions never fail, His compassions are new every morning, and He is faithful in His compassions. (notice the word compassions are plural!)
As with the grieving mother, He meets our need for His compassion.
“Oh, Lord, open my eyes to “see” Your unfailing compassions for me.
And then like the writer of Lamentations, that I would acknowledge the greatness of Your faithfulness to me.
In the compassionate name of Jesus I pray…Amen.”