(NASB) John 6:35 “Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will never hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.”

  Have you thought about the fact that the food you eat does not guarantee you life after death?  Jesus acknowledged this very fact when He told His audience that people die even though they eat wholesome food, such as bread/manna.  (John 6:49)

Then Jesus said something very interesting…He told His audience the “Why” of His coming into this world in Bethlehem.  He told them “Why” He would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey on Palm Sunday…He told them “Why” He was going to give His flesh (His body) by dying…so the world would have the opportunity to have life after death.
(John 6:50-51)

Jesus gave a promise of a sure thing – all who eat this bread will live forever and ever. 

What Jesus did on the cross in Jerusalem does affect your eternity.  Anyone who rejects His great sacrifice is without hope in this world and in the next forever and ever.

Jesus never, ever, spoke lightly about being the Bread of Life…it cost Him great suffering…it cost Him great shame…it cost Him a great sacrifice…and He did it for you!

What are you doing with Jesus as your Bread of Life?  Have you received this kingly offering as your Bread of Life?  OR…are you throwing it away as of no value to you?

If you have not yet received Jesus as the Bread of Life, TODAY is that moment…don’t throw it away!

(Luke 6:47) Anyone who comes to Jesus, hears His message and acts upon His words, will receive life forever and ever.

TODAY is the perfect time!

“Why”?  Because you are the reason Jesus is the Bread of the World.