Pick & Choose?
Followers of Christ…Who are you choosing to follow this day?
1-Is it another person or an ideology, if so, are they worth following?
2-Is it yourself? How foolish, for all are fallible and frail compared to the Lord Jesus.
3-Is it the Lord Jesus Christ?
To follow Jesus is not the “easy way out”. But it is the best way to live each day. Who are you choosing to follow this day?
Jesus said:
(NASB) Luke 6:46 “Why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?”
Since Jesus is my Lord, I am agreeing with God that He is also my Master.
Am I doing what my Master says to do? If not, I am a disobedient servant.
Giving “lip service” becomes hypocrisy and Jesus condemned hypocrisy, especially in religious leaders. (Matthew 23:13-33)
Jesus’ words are all important…every one of them. No one should “pick and choose” the ones which are comfortable and comforting (as important as those are!). Jesus’ words tell us to do the hard things which go against our comfort level.
Remember: followers of Christ can do those hard things only through faith in Christ who strengthens us.
If you and I decide that some of Jesus’ words are not to be considered then aren’t we calling Jesus a liar? Aren’t we setting ourselves up as being greater and more knowledgeable than Jesus Christ?
When we stand before Jesus, will He condemn our choices or commend them?
Pick and choose all of Jesus’ words,
for what you do with Jesus’ words will affect your eternity!