What do your actions and words reveal about you?
Actions show your heart attitude, your goals and motives in life.  They show other people to what or to whom you are committed.

Many people are committed to an ideology…note the leaders throughout the ages and the world today.

Other people reveal their commitment to…themselves!  Their conversation and actions are peppered with “I”, “my”, “me first”.

Then there are those who consciously go to Jesus…they are the ones who are open to really “hearing” what He has said.  They are the ones who are following Him by putting His words into action…at home, when alone, when with loved ones, friends and strangers.

 Everyone: Come! Hear! Act!

  Jesus said:
(NASB) Luke 6:47 “Everyone who comes to Me and hears My words and acts on them, I will show you whom he is like:”

Did you “see” that word, everyone?  Re-read the verse:

The Lord Jesus Christ promised that EVERYONE who comes to Him, hears His word and puts them into action will be building a life on a solid foundation.

Are you one of the “everyone”?