Jesus was teaching His disciples…not only the twelve He had chosen but also a larger group of followers.  He knew that there would be people in that larger crowd who would not really listen to what He had to say.  So He addressed those who would hear, really listen, to His words.

(NASB) Luke 6:27 “But I say to you who hear…”

What do you do with words of warning and encouragement?

Warnings from Jesus: how do you put those words of warning into practice in your life?  Are you taking responsibility for your choices and not blaming others for what is your responsibility?  Perhaps you are slow to agree that you need to change something in your thinking, your actions, your motives, your words, etc. 

“But I say to you who hear…”

  Encouragement from Jesus: don’t you love encouragements and affirmations?!!!  We are quick to listen to them.  There are times in our lives when encouragements are greatly needed when the waters of depression sweep over us…or for whatever reason.  Listen to Jesus…turn to God’s word and hang on to His truths…

Where to turn in God’s word when you are slipping into the blackness of depression…
Psalm 27; 34; 40:1-3; 100:3; 121; Matthew 7:11;
Ephesians 1:3-14; 1 Peter 5:7; 1 John 3:1

You may have other Scriptures which are helpful to you, praying God’s word when you cannot pray, is to exercise your faith in Him.

Pastor Jim McWhinnie has MS and has written the following:
“All my life I have wrestled with feelings of anxiety. For the most part, I have mastered it, though a few times in life – when the stresses in life came upon me like a raging river – I would really struggle to hang on and make it through. By the grace of God, I did, though there were some dark days and long nights, to be sure. I believe my own anxiety is a blend of inherited physical traits aggravated by certain childhood circumstances. Those of us who live with chronic depression often deal with anxiety disorders as well. Yet still, when the fears and the self-doubts were about to overwhelm my soul, the compassionate grace of the Lord and the generous love of loved ones carried me through those rough waters.”

“But I say to you who hear…”