Comparisons which challenge can seem to make one side “bad” and the other “good”.
The Pharisee’s were saying that Jesus’ disciples were bad because they did not fast and pray as their followers did.  ‘Why, even John the Baptist’s disciples fast and offer prayers, but not Yours!’  (See Luke 5:33)

How did Jesus respond?  He taught His audience with a parable which illustrated why Jesus’ disciples were not fasting at that time.

(NASB) Luke 5:34 “And Jesus said to them, ‘You cannot make the attendants of the bridegroom fast while the bridegroom is with them, can you?
35 ‘But the days will come; and when the bridegroom is taken away from them, then they will fast in those days.’”

Jesus is known among His followers as the Bridegroom.  At some point in the future He was telling all those listening that He would be taken away and when He was gone…then His followers would fast and pray.

When did this occur?  Jesus had been crucified, buried and then He rose to life from the grave.  Jesus appeared to many over a span of 40 days…then He gathered His 11 apostles and told them to wait in Jerusalem to be baptized by the Holy Spirit.  He next commissioned them to go into all the world with the Good News and be witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ.

As Jesus was taken up into heaven, His 11 followers watched; and then an angel told them to expect Him to return in like manner.  Those 11 men along, with other believers in Jesus (including women) joined together in Jerusalem and prayed on a daily basis.  (See Acts 1:1-14)

Jesus answered His critics’ comparative challenge with the knowledge of the future.
Jesus knows the future…you and I can know that Jesus holds our unknown future…and this we do know, Jesus will come again for His followers.  He will catch us up to Himself forever and ever and ever.  (See 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18)


Be comforted followers of Christ…

He is going to return for you!