Jesus…His name means “…He will save His people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21)

Only the living God of the Bible can save anyone from their sins.
Only the living God can forgive anyone of their sins.
Only the living God will save you from your sins and forgive you of your sins.
Only the living God does this through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

The night Jesus was born; some shepherds were visited by angels announcing Messiah’s birth.  They saw this “remarkable thing” which had taken place in a Bethlehem stable.

Jesus came to fulfill all the prophets’ words through His birth and through His ministry.  The shepherds, the wise men, Simeon and Anna (in the Jerusalem temple), John the Baptist at the Jordan River– all had seen these “remarkable things”!

The religious leaders who were present when Jesus healed a paralytic after forgiving him his sins also were amazed.
(NASB) Luke 5:26 “They were all struck with astonishment and began glorifying God; and they were filled with fear, saying, ‘We have seen remarkable things today.’”

What “remarkable things” are you ‘seeing’ today?  “Remarkable things” which only the Lord Jesus Christ can do?  Are you involved in a Bible study where God’s word is being studied?   Are you growing in faith in this God of the Bible?  That is a “Remarkable thing”!

How are you responding to what God is doing in your life?  Are you like the healed paralytic, picking up your stretcher and going home praising and glorifying God?
The night, long ago, when Jesus was born, the shepherds glorified God!

As Christmas is almost here…how are you glorifying God?
Are you glorifying God for the “Remarkable things” He is doing?

Ask God to open your understanding to ‘seeing’ Him at work…then you also can say:

“We Have Seen Remarkable Things…”