Jesus, God’s Anointed One, was intentionally sent to open the eyes of the blind.

  (See Isaiah 42:7).

  Jesus quoted Isaiah in the synagogue in His hometown ofNazareth.  Jesus was sent by God to give blind eyes the ability to see:
(NIV) Luke 4:18 “…and recovery of sight for the blind…”

During Jesus’ ministry He healed the blind…one instance of a man born blind.  When the man was healed, he was accused of lying by the Pharisees and his parents were questioned.  They feared being excommunicated by the Pharisees so they said, ‘yes, he was blind at birth but we don’t know how he now sees.  Ask him, he’s an adult.’  So the Pharisees called the man and said “Give glory to God; we know that this man (Jesus) is a sinner.”  And how did the man answer?  “Whether He is a sinner, I do not know; one thing I do know that though I was blind, now I see.”  (See John 9:1-34)

What is your testimony to Jesus opening your eyes to His truths?  Do you also say, ‘I know I was blind, but now I see’?

Jesus was sent by God to open eyes, to restore sight to the blind.

Another instance in Scripture of Jesus healing the blind:
As Jesus was approaching Jericho, a blind beggar was sitting on the side of the road.  He heard the crowd coming and asked what was going on.  He was told that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by.  Immediately Bartimaeus called out: “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”  Jesus stopped and told the crowd to bring the man to Him.  He asked Bartimaeus “What do you want Me to do?”  And Bartimaeus knew what he wanted.  He wanted his eyesight back!  Jesus said: “Receive your sight; your faith has made you well.”
(See Luke 18:35-43)

What is your response to Jesus when He asks you…“What do you want Me to do?”

Perhaps spiritual sight is your need.  Have you told Him?  Trust Him to give you sight.

Jesus…sent by God…to Restore Sight

Has your sight been restored by the Living Lord Jesus Christ?

What is your response?
Bartimaeus immediately began following Jesus and glorifying God!