(NASB) Luke 4:13 “When the devil had finished every temptation, he left Him until an opportune time.”

  Jesus resisted the temptations Satan gave Him in the wilderness after His baptism by John the Baptist.
How did He do that?  He used the sword of the Spirit: “It is written…”  And that is what you and I also need to do.

Jesus had overcome Satan in the wilderness and He overcame the tempter’s snares all through His ministry. (See yesterday’s devotional which mentions some of the times  where He kept His focus on His Father’s plan for Him.)

How do you and I overcome temptation…for it is an on-going battle.  Followers of Christ have been given equipment, the armor of God, to withstand temptations.

God’s armor!  God’s armor enables us to stand firm in a world of chaos, deception, and unbelief.  Forces in this world of darkness will continue to dog our steps to tempt us to turn from the living God to the ruler of this world, Satan.  The Lord God will cast out the ruler of this world in the future (See John 12:31).

Do not be deceived, the devil is powerful, but not all-powerful.  God is Omnipotent, He is All-powerful and He is our God!

How can we confront and combat our enemy?  (See Ephesians 6:10-18)

  Resist! Stand Firm!

We have God’s truth!
We have God’s righteousness!
We have God’s Good News of peace!
Our faith is in God!

Resist temptation! Stand Firm against that which is evil!
We have salvation through Christ’s work on the cross and His resurrection to life from the grave!

Resist! Stand Firm!
We have the sword of the Spirit (the word of God… “It is written…”)

Resist! Stand Firm!
Stay alert!  Persevere! And Petition God for all the saints!

Resist! Stand Firm!
  And Pray!