Matthew’s genealogical record of Messiah covers Joseph’s lineage.  It begins with the first patriarch of Israel, Abraham, and ends with Jesus.
(NASB) Matthew 1:16 “Jacob was the father of Joseph the husband of Mary, by whom Jesus was born, who is called the Messiah.”

Luke’s genealogical record of Messiah covers the lineage of Mary.  Her father is named: Eli or Heli (in some translations).
(NASB) Luke 3:23 “When He began His ministry, Jesus Himself was about thirty years of age, being, as was supposed, the son of Joseph, the son of Eli,”

Jesus’ legal, earthly parents were descended from kings…the kings of Judah.  Both genealogies are traced back to Israel’s greatest king…David.

In Matthew 1:1-16, Joseph’s lineage is given.  This establishes Messiah’s legal claim to the throne of Israel.  Joseph’s lineage was through David and Bathsheba’s son, Solomon.
In Luke 3:23-38, Mary’s lineage is given.  Mary’s lineage comes through David and Bathsheba’s son, Nathan.  This Scripture passage establishes Messiah’s parentage through the virgin Mary and God the Father of Jesus, Messiah, the Son of God.

To my knowledge, these two sources of Messiah’s right to sit on David’s throne are the only ones which exist.  The Holy Bible is a legal document!
God’s word is binding!  All of God’s words will occur.

God had chosen who would be the parents of His Son with great wisdom and care.  All the i’s are dotted and the all the t’s are crossed.
God is the God Who does not leave anything out for His purposes to be fulfilled.

This amazing God has foreseen all that has needed to happen in order to fulfill all of His words!
Do you know this amazing God and His words?

There are probably more ramifications to the two genealogical lists than I have mentioned.
It is interesting, exciting even, to learn more about God and His ways.  That comes through prayer, study and asking Him for insights into His words.  Do you do that?

Do you ask the living God for further clarification to understand what He wants you to know?