John the Baptist’s message was God’s call to His people…a message of warning and condemnation.  Are you listening as did the people who went out to hear John?  How were they to respond to that message?  How will you respond to that same message?

(NASB) Luke 3:10 “And the crowds were questioning him, saying, ‘Then what shall we do?’”

Do you ask God ‘Then what shall I do?’ since God has warned us to flee from His coming wrath against our sins.  (See Luke 3:7)

God’s word states we are to “bear fruits in keeping with repentance” because our lineage, heritage, power, position, wealth (or lack of it) is not enough! (See Luke 3:8)
God’s wrath is coming and His judgment is going to happen. (See Luke 3:9)

What are we to do?  Repent!  And after repenting, our actions are to follow, just as John told that crowd in answer to their question “Then what shall we do?”

(NASB) Luke 3:11 “And he would answer and say to them, ‘The man who has two tunics is to share with him who has none; and he who has food is to do likewise.”

Practical application after repenting…your actions and mine are to follow our repentance.  We are to share what we have with those who are in need…basic necessities of life…clothing and food.

Of whom do you think after reading this devotional?  Practical application will mean involvement of some kind…not just giving money, but giving of ourselves in some way.  What comes to your mind?

‘Lord, there is more involved here than just giving extra clothing and food to those in need…does this mean I need to get involved with _____________________?
Show me Your way, O Lord.’