The Jews would baptize Gentile converts to Judaism at the time of circumcision.  For John the Baptist to bring God’s message to the Jews to have “a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” was startling.  (See Luke 3:2b-3)

  John was called out of the wilderness to preach to his people, the Jews.  His messages were delivered at the Jordan River and they were out of the ordinary, drawing large crowds of people.

God used John to prepare the people of Judea for the introduction of Messiah.

God is calling out to turn to Him today.  Your circumstances, the events in your country, are you turning to God for help?

What shocking, startling things going on in your country are getting your attention?  Are you seeking the living LORD God for His intervention in your life, in the life of your nation?

John the Baptist gave a wake-up call to the Jews in his day…and many responded.  They flocked to him to be baptized because they had a true repentance, a changed heart toward God.  They recognized their need for the forgiveness of their sins.  Do you?

What will it take to get your attention to turn to God in real repentance?  What wake-up call do the people in your nation need?  What will it take for your country to turn to God for His forgiveness of their very real sins?

(NASB) Luke 3:2b-3 “…the word of God came to John, the son of Zacharias, in the wilderness.
3 And he came into all the district around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins;”

Wake-up!  The time is now to turn to God in repentance and seek forgiveness through the Lord Jesus Christ for your sins, your very real sins.