God’s perfect timing began long before it happened.

  John had been prophesied hundreds of years before his conception and birth.
Zacharias (his father) was told he and Elizabeth would have a baby boy in their old age, before the baby was conceived.

God’s perfect timing involved His Anointed One, Messiah, the Christ.
All events and prophesy revolve around God’s Son.  Even when prophecies were about God’s people…the prophetic words were preparation for Messiah.
God called John (the Baptist) out of the wilderness…in God’s perfect timing, for Jesus’ ministry was about to begin.

What about you?  What about God’s perfect timing in your life?  Think back over your past…who has God brought into your life to point to Him?  What events and circumstances have brought your thoughts and desires to focus on God?
Your life, your circumstances are unique…praise God for working in your life.

God’s perfect timing is continuing to work out His purposes in this world for His Son to come again.

Praise be to God for John (the Baptist) responding to God’s call, have you?
Praise be to God for His perfect timing in the events of this day…for He is actively working to fulfill His words of truth.
Praise be to God for Christ Jesus and His coming again!

Events in the world, in your country, are not a surprise to the living God.
  God’s Perfect Timing is working, even in today’s world.