Dr. Luke established the facts of his careful investigation: ‘who’ the leaders were in Rome and Syria and the facts of ‘when’ – at the first census and ‘where’ – in Bethlehem.

Then he established the facts of ‘what’ – Mary had given birth to her firstborn son.

(NASB) Luke 2:6-7a “While they (Joseph and Mary) were there (Bethlehem), the days were completed for her to give birth.
7 And she gave birth to her firstborn son…”

Mothers and fathers prepare for the birth of their baby – many paint walls and hang pictures or some cute ‘baby’ inspired wall placards.  They prepare a basinet or a crib or even a large drawer has been used to keep the newborn safe.  But a manger (feeding trough)?

There was no hospital, not even a bed in an inn for Mary.
The Son of God was born in a stable – Scripture does not tell us how long they were in that stable, we do know it was for at least overnight…time for shepherds to find them.

The next scene we have of that baby is at eight days old for the rite of circumcision (Luke 2:21).

Fast forward about two years and the Child is in a house in Bethlehem where the Wise Men come to give Him homage (See Matthew 2:1-11).

History has recorded the birth of Jesus, the son of Mary.  The actual birth of Jesus has never been questioned.
But His birth is of the greatest importance because He came to die for you.  To take your place on the cross for your sins (those things you do which are against God).

When anyone makes light of Jesus’ birth, I do not believe they fully understand what significance His birth has for them personally.

The birth of Jesus is a Historical Establishment of “What”; the ‘what’ Dr. Luke carefully documented has great implications for you.

The implications of the Historical Establishment of “What” are revealed through the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus.

The ‘what’ is important for our lives today.  The birth of Jesus does impact each and every person who has or ever will live.  Immanuel – “God with us” – think about that!  Tomorrow we will further explore this thought of ‘who’ – the Lord Jesus Christ.