Truth or not true?  That is the question.
God’s words are true.  [True: consistent with fact or reality, reliable]
God’s words are Truth. [Truth: genuine, honest.]

When Zacharias was finally freed to speak, He praised God.  Zacharias, proud father of a healthy baby boy, John (the Baptist).  Then something equally extraordinary happened:
(NASB) Luke 1:67 “And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit, and prophesied, saying…”

What can be learned from this verse?
The God of the Holy Bible chooses those who will speak His words (prophets)
He chose Zacharias to be the father of John (the Baptist) who would point to Christ
God chose Zacharias to be filled with the Holy Spirit (Who is God Himself)
Those who are filled with His Holy Spirit – speak His words of truth

Have you heard it said “Your truth may not be my truth”?  This statement is in direct opposition to Scripture.  God is Truth.  Truth does not depend on anyone’s opinion, understanding, preference or education.  It does not depend on time or circumstance.

All of God’s words are true.  And if we do not recognize and rely on God’s Word, we are open to all kinds of false teachings.  We can be easily misinformed and misled.

How can we check out God’s word?  We can compare Scripture with Scripture.  What is true in Genesis is also true in Revelation and all the books in between.

Living our life from a Biblical perspective is to believe God’s words are Truth.

(NASB) Psalm 119:160 “The sum of Your word is truth,
And every one of Your righteous ordinances is everlasting.”

What you believe about God and His word does impact your actions, your thinking, and your eternity.
The total of all of God’s word is Truth.  Each and every one of His laws, ordinances, commandment’s endures forever.


Truth or not true?  That is the question.