This past week this devotional has been focused on the Magnificat of Mary in Luke 1:46-55.  Mary magnified the LORD, not herself.  We also are to magnify the LORD and never ourselves.

For what are you thankful as you think about what God has done for you? If you are not a follower of Christ Jesus…perhaps you should reconsider for the benefits are heavenly.

For the followers of Christ:
One day, you will get to meet the LORD face to face.  At that time you will get to honor Him, to worship Him, to thank Him for what He has done for you.  (You can start thanking Him right now, before you see Him face to face.)

For the followers of Christ:
One day, you will meet men and women whose lives are told about in the Holy Bible when you enter heaven.  Who would you like to meet and then say “thank you”?

For the followers of Christ:
One day, I will get to meet Abraham – my spiritual father, and thank him.  Scripture says that Abraham is the father of all who believe God and His words and who live by faith in God and His Son.  I want to thank him for his faith in the living God.

For the followers of Christ:
One day, I will get to meet Doctor Luke and thank him for the carefully investigated eyewitness accounts he wrote of in the book of St. Luke.

For the followers of Christ:
One day, who will you thank?  Will you thank those who have prayed for you?  Will you thank those who have helped to change your life by pointing you to God?


One day, to whom will you say “Thank you”?


For the followers of Christ:
 (NASB) Psalm 118:28 “You are my God, and I give thanks to You;
You are my God, I extol You.
29 Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good;
For His lovingkindness is everlasting.”