What is essential for all followers of Christ?  God’s armor – so we can resist in the days of evil.  (See Ephesians 6:18)

We are to march into life ‘wearing’ God’s armor.

We are to consciously put on God’s truth, His righteousness, His good news of peace, faith in Him as our shield against the flaming arrows of the evil one, salvation which is only through Jesus Christ, and the sword of the SpiritGod’s word.

Then we are to pray…prayer of dependence on God Himself.

This is how we are to use the Essentials of Resistance in the days we are now living.

All of the armor, each and every piece, is found in God.  There is nothing about you and me; it is all about God, His power, His protection, His word of truth.

The Essentials of Resistance, what is your armor?