God’s promise to Abram when he was still in Ur of the Chaldees…before he left his homeland, his family, his comfort zone and traveled to Canaan by way of Haran:
*  The LORD would make him a great nation…Israel and the Jews are that great nation.
*  The LORD would bless Abram…and He did with Abraham’s son Isaac through Sarah.
*  The LORD would make his name great…and He has done that also…for Abram became Abraham, the father of the Jewish nation Israel.
*  The LORD would make Abraham a blessing…and He has done that also…what a blessing it is to be in the same family of faith as Abraham, the father of our faith in Christ Jesus today.
*  The LORD would bless all who bless Abraham.  And the LORD blesses those whose faith is in the living God of the Holy Bible today.
*  The LORD would curse those who curse Israel…that is a warning we need to heed.
*  The LORD would bless all peoples on earth through Abraham…Abraham’s faith was in his God…and when we walk by faith in the living God Who sent His Son in our behalf…we also are blessed.

(NASB) Romans 4:13

“For the promise to Abraham or to his descendants that he would be heir of the world was not through the Law, but through the righteousness of faith.”

The righteous will live by faith in Messiah,

the Lord Jesus Christ.

Followers of Christ are “spiritual” descendants of Abraham

because of their faith.