“Come”.  Jesus came to give us this invitation to life.  As this week is headed toward Friday and then Easter, think about His invitation and His sacrifice for you.
When trials come – and they do – weariness and burdensome pressures bear down.  There is One Who can give rest in the middle of the trials…the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is Jesus Who says to “Come” to Him.
(NASB) Matthew 11:28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”

It is Jesus Who gives you and me rest when we turn to Him, come to Him in prayerful dependence.

And the word “rest”…doesn’t that sound like a cup of cold, refreshing water in the desert of trials?
(NASB) Matthew 11:29 “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS.”

Jesus promises rest from the onslaughts of trials…He does not promise to remove the trial.  He promises to be in the trial with you.
Rest – for your overworked mind and thoughts.
Rest – for your fragile emotions.
Rest – for your will, because you yield to His will for you.  (And when you yield, you are comforted because you are in His will.)

Jesus gives you the promise of being comforted…in your trial.
(NASB) Matthew 11:30 “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

The followers of Christ are yoked with Christ…a yoke of oxen means that two are pulling the load where one could not.  You are not able to ‘pull’ the load of your trial by yourself.  With Jesus… all things are possible.

Being yoked with Jesus will make your weariness and your heavy burden easier and lighter…for He is with you in it.  The Lord Jesus has promised you…you…to be with you in the trial.

Where do you go when the trials of life come?
Are you responding to Jesus’ invitation to “Come”?  His rest, His comfort, His being with you in your trial…is available to you.

“Thank You, Lord Jesus, You came that I might have life and that means abundant life…even in the midst of the weariness and the burden of trials…for You are yoked with me as I respond to You…    thank You…Amen.”