What does God’s word say about my words, your words?
(NASB) Ephesians 4:29 “Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.”

Have you thought of your words as an emission into the air waves which are transmitted into others ears and minds?  You and I are responsible for our words – no one else is responsible.  Oh, we may be provoked or prodded but we alone are responsible.

How do your words affect others?  Are your words wholesome?  Or are they polluting another’s intellect or even their emotions?

God’s word says to use words which are edifying.  Do you build other people up, not for your gain, but for their good?

You and I are not responsible how another may react or respond to our words, our responsibility is to use words that encourage and edify.

Your words and mine are to “give grace to those who hear”…grace is never earned, it is a gift.  Are your words ‘gifts’ to others?

Our words are our responsibility…to please God…
before you speak – think…


Words From My Mouth…

Are they wholesome, edifying, and pleasing to God?