Without God…With God…
How do the people in the days of Noah and the people of today compare? People are the same…people needed to believe in God in Noah’s day and they have that same need today. Do you need to place your faith in God and His Son as Savior and LORD? The people in Noah’s day needed to do that, and yet only Noah and his family believed God and His warnings.
*All people have been without God at one time in their lives – until they ask Jesus to be their Savior.
*Thinking is futile; it is useless, without faith in the living God of the Bible.
*Understanding is darkened…light of the Lord Jesus Christ is not understood.
*Exclusion from the life of God because of willful ignorance of not knowing Him.
*Hardness of heart toward God and His truth.
*Callousness is without sensitiveness toward God.
*Practice of sensuality and every kind of impurity with greediness.
That is quite a list…and I did not make it up…
go to Ephesians 4:17-19.
(NASB) Ephesians 4:20
“But you did not learn Christ in this way.”
*Learn Christ’s way…to find favor with God is to follow Christ as your Savior and Lord.
(Tomorrow this devotional will explore Christ’s way.)