Genealogies have become popular for many people.  Courthouse records and records in cemeteries all yield valuable information for the searching sleuths.
Tracing ancestors back, back, back to the roots of the family tree…is fascinating for many.  Sometimes ancestors are discovered to be notable people, others are found to be notorious.

Chapter five of Genesis lists the genealogy of Adam through his son Seth, an ancestor of Jesus Christ.
The book of Matthew lists the genealogy of Jesus beginning with Abraham (See Matthew 1:1).
The book of Luke gives Jesus’ genealogy through Mary’s lineage and ending with Adam, the son of God.  The virgin birth is important for it shows that God Himself is the Father of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
(See Luke 3:26-35)

The genealogy of Jesus proves His authority to sit on David’s throne as King of kings in the future.
The genealogy of Jesus proves His relationship to God the Father.
The genealogy of Jesus gives you and me assurance of our Savior having the power, and credentials, to save us from our sins…is your faith in Him?