Many times in Scripture (Old Testament and New Testament), believers in God and Christ Jesus are described as ‘sheep’.
Jesus referred to Himself as the Shepherd of His flock.

(NASB) John 10:3b-4 “…‘the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.
4 ‘When he puts forth all his own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice.’ ”

The followers of Christ know His voice because He is our true Shepherd.
He calls you by your name…amazing but true…you are important to Him and He knows you.  (It always causes me awe – to think that my Savior, Jesus Christ, knows me and still loves me.)

The followers of Christ are led into green pastures and beside still waters   (Psalm 23:1-2).
What does this say about your trust and faith in your Shepherd?
To follow Him is to trust Him for your days. Do you always understand ‘why’ you are in your specific circumstances?  (I don’t always understand my circumstances either.)

However, we are to obey by following Him.  (Obedience should be out of love for our God.)  Sometimes we are led into circumstances which we would not choose…but our Shepherd knows the way and He knows best what will cause us to trust Him more.  (Anger and discontentment shows me my need to trust Him and to turn from trusting my emotions and wants.)

Jesus ~ is He your True Shepherd?