A charge of ‘guilty’ in a court of law demands a punishment…whether a fine, imprisonment, or even the death penalty.  Being ‘guilty’ means there is a penalty to pay.

Being declared ‘Guilty!’ before God means that you and I have a penalty to pay.  For everyone does sin against the Holy God of the Bible.  (Romans 3:23 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”)
Then the question comes…who do I want to pay my penalty?  Me?  No way!  I can’t, and I would be condemned for eternity to be out of God’s holy presence. (See 2 Peter 2:4-10a)  It would be hell forever with no recourse.

Do I want Jesus to pay my penalty?  Yes!  That is just what I want…for then God recognizes His Son’s perfect blood sacrifice for me (I am covered, protected by the blood of Jesus!).  God Himself presented Jesus as the sacrifice of atonement and I need to put my faith in what God has done through His Son! (See Romans 3:25)

What is the condition for someone to be declared forgiven, freed from sin?  Belief in Jesus the Christ (Messiah) is the condition.  Simple?  Yes, but this requires admitting to being a sinner…and the need of a Savior.  (See Romans 10:8-10)

All are guilty before the Eternal God of the Holy Bible.

What you believe about the Lord Jesus Christ does affect your eternity.

Will you be declared Guilty! Or Forgiven?

If Guilty! What do you now need to do?

If Forgiven! Are you praising and thanking Him?

(NIV) Isaiah 12:1-3

“IN THAT day you will say:

‘I will praise you, O LORD.

Although you were angry with me,

Your anger has turned away

and you have comforted me.

2Surely God is my salvation;

I will trust and not be afraid.

The LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song;

He has become my salvation.’

3With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.”