What foreknowledge of God was, and is, required for His purposes and plans to be accomplished?  The LORD God has used prophets to speak His words through the centuries, prophecies which are fulfilled to the last dot and stroke of a pen.

Consider the incredible prophecy of Messiah’s burial:

(NASB) Isaiah 53:9a “His grave was assigned with wicked men,
Yet He was with a rich man in His death.”

Jesus died on a cross.  He did not choose His grave or the rich man who gave up his newly hewn tomb for his own burial.  That tomb was brand new…no dead body had ever defiled it.  (See Matthew 27:57-60)

Jesus died on a cross.  He did choose to die for the wicked…for all people have sinned against God, all fall short of the greatness, goodness and glory of God. (See Romans 3:23)

Jesus died on a cross, but even in death our LORD’S body did not touch decay! (See Acts 13:35-37)

Joseph of Arimathea fulfilled prophecy…was he conscious of this?  Scripture does not say…he did know the Old Testament, but in his anguish did he remember these details concerning the burial and tomb of Messiah prophesied by Isaiah?
Joseph responded to the need at the moment, at a time of emotional upheaval, and seeming chaotic events in a 24 hour period…from the time of Jesus being betrayed until His death on the cross.

How do you respond to chaotic events in today’s world?  Think of Japan, Haiti, New Zealand, and other horrific events brought on by nature’s fury.
How are you responding to the turmoil in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Afghanistan, and other nations where people and their government’s are at war?
God is not surprised…(and aren’t you glad!) He knows what is happening; He was not surprised about His Son, Jesus, dying on the cross and being buried in a borrowed tomb of a rich man.  (He foretold that event; His foreknowledge is one of the proofs of His being real, the living God.)

(NASB) Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.”

~ The Incredible Foreknowledge of God ~

He is worthy of your trust!