How does a dictionary define “salvation”?  1. Preservation or deliverance from evil or difficulty.  2. A source, means, or cause of such deliverance or preservation.  3. a. Theology. The deliverance of man or his soul from the power or penalty of sin; redemption.

  Why is salvation so important for you and me? 

  Fact: People need to be “saved” from the power or penalty of their sins.  There are many ways in which people try to do this on their own…through “good works”; through being “good enough”; through giving their money and/or time doing good deeds; going to church; being “religious”; joining the “right” groups…the list is endless.  

  Fact:  God has provided the only way to be “saved” from the power and the penalty of sin.  It is through His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

  A couple in Nazareth were to be married.  Before this happens, the young virgin becomes pregnant and the groom comes to the conclusion he cannot marry her.  One night an angel from the Lord visits Joseph and tells him that he is to marry her, because the Child has been conceived by the Holy Spirit.  That same angel tells Joseph the name he is to give to the baby: Jesus.  And the angel gives the reason he is to give this name to the baby. 

(NASB) Matthew 1:21 “She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”

  Some people do not believe that they are sinners. They believe they will go to heaven without the need to know Jesus as their Savior. 

  Let me ask you a question:  have you ever felt guilty for some action, word or thought which you have had?  I am not talking about a guilt complex or a false guilt.  I am talking about true guilt.  The kind in which you have find no relief because you have sinned.
  If this is where you are, the good news is that Jesus Christ died for the cause of that true guilt.

  Remember that all sin is against God. 

  Remember that Jesus Christ alone has the power to save you from the penalty of sin against God. 

  Salvation is for anyone – no matter their religious affiliation or their non-religious beliefs – when they say with their mouths “Jesus is Lord” and believe in their hearts that God has raised Him from the dead, they will be saved.  (See Romans 10:9)


Have you received this great salvation?