Earthly wisdom is bitterness, envy and/or selfish ambition.  God’s word defines earthly wisdom as being “unspiritual”, “of the devil”.

  Not a pretty picture.  Yet how often do we exercise that type of wisdom as we walk through our day?  Whenever you or I are envious of another, for whatever reason…bitterness sends its tentacles into our minds and wreaks havoc with those who would be our friends.                                           

  Whenever we have self at the center of our ambitions, selfishness quickly surfaces to control our thinking.  Wisdom which is earthly is unspiritual, is of the devil, it is self-centered and will always lead away from God in heaven.

  Honest evaluation will hurt our pride if we are harboring anything that is of an earthly wisdom.

  As you go through this day, think about the differences of the wisdom which is from heaven and that which is of the earth.  Evaluate your thinking; where does bitterness rule…or envy predominate…or where is selfish ambition in control?

  This week we will be looking closely at the wisdom which God gives to those who seek such wisdom in contrast to earthly wisdom.

 (NIV) James 3:14-15 “But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth.  15Such ‘wisdom’ does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil.”